moonbooter s t u d i o
Living Lights Studio, Olef (Germany), December 2022
Two years ago I published new photos of my studio for the last time. A lot has happened since then. Firstly, I have completely revised and remeasured the room acoustics. I also got rid of any Eurorack and synths without memory (except my x0xbox). The space I have now dedicated to full-grown synths with which I have much more fun and crative moments, which I can also save for later projects. Also I have now finally found a new main synthesizer, the Hydrasynth Deluxe, which is also great as a master keyboard. The result You can see here:
in words
Waldorf IRIDIUM | Novation Summit | ASM Hydrasynth Deluxe | Dave Smith Pro 2 | Dave Smith Rev2 Desktop | Dave Smith TORAIZ AS-1 | Roland V-Synth | Moog Sub 37 | Behringer Deepmind 12 D | NI Maschine MK3 plus Maschine Jam | Korg Radias | Arturia Matrixbrute | Waldorf Blofeld Desktop | Access Virus TI Desktop | Kurzweil K2000r | Mode Machines Xoxbox | Roland TR-8S | Yamaha CS1x | Yamaha SY77 | Yamaha MOXF6 | Roland System 8 | Waldorf Streichfett | Modal Cobalt8m | Modal Argon8m | EMU ESI-32 | Dreadbox Typhon
monitoring & recording:
Recording: RME RADYAT with Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 + 3x ADA 8200 + 2 Focusrite Saffire Pro 24
Steinberg UR22MK2 | Focusrite Twintrack Pro | Rode NT1-A | Tascam SD-20M
Headphones: Beyerdynamic DT 880 Pro plus DT 770 Pro | Sennheiser HD 530 II | Sennheiser HD 570 | AKG k141
digital audio workstation & controller
past gear:
Roland D50 | DSI Prophet 08 | Korg Prophecy | Korg MS-20 | Roland JD-800 | Casio FZ-1 |Casio VZ | Casio SK-5 | Roland TB-303 | Roland TR-707 | Roland TR-909 | Yamaha Motif 7 | Dynacord ADS | Akai S-900 | Akai S-1000 | NI Kore | Atari ST | Commodore C64 | Amiga 500 | Alesis ION | Hartmann Neuron VS | Quasimidi Raven | Quasimidi Quasar | Kawai XD-5 | Korg Electribe MX | Korg M3 | Waldorf Streichfett | Waldorf Rocket | Elektron Analog Keys | Novation BassStation2 | DSI Mopho | Yamaha EX5 |Arturia Drumbrute | Arturia Minibrute 2S | Roland D5 | Korg Prologue 8 | Yamaha MODX6 | Arturia Microfreak |...
2022: I sold all my modular gear. It was a nice experience and I learned a lot, but in the end it´s not the way I make music.